
  • As a zombie virus breaks out, one ragtag group of trapped elevator passengers must pull together for a fig…
  • 怀孕的女主角与丈夫搬来一间闹鬼的房子,但这种灵异现象似乎只有女主角才发现。导演Keeling两兄弟对于人物情绪、…
  • 在一次家庭露营旅行中,一次随机的熊袭击使格雷格(父亲)和萨曼莎(女儿)被恶魔崇拜的邪教组织“圈”困住了。 …
  • An ex-hacker is forced to break into high-level banking institutions, another man must try to penetrate th…
  • Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic …
  • Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a year - a…
  • 一个女孩从昏迷中醒来,发现自己身处一间陌生旅馆,周围满是与她一样年轻貌美,手脚被捆绑的女孩尸体。另一方面,…
  • 凯伦?特尼(LoriHeuring饰)的丈夫长久以来饱受病痛折磨,最终不治身亡。失去经济来源的凯伦,只好带着两个女儿:…
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