
  • 杰克杜兰是性格火爆但受人敬重的餐厅老板,他经营的餐馆全年无休,是深受各界名人政客以及黑手党们喜爱的聚会场所…
  • 前英国陆军上尉埃德斯塔福德是第一个徒步穿越亚马逊河的人,但在荒岛上完全独自生存是他迄今为止最大的冒险。 他…
  • ThestoryofEdStafford’s21/2yearjourneytobecomethefirstmantowalkthelengthoftheAma…
  • Part 1Programme One introduces us to our presenter Colin Stafford-Johnson and to his journey. Opening with…
  • 埃德斯塔福德的赤裸放逐

    d Stafford is undertaking an extreme survival challenge. He'll be washed up naked and alone on a desert is…
  • Archer and his gang have come to Gotham City, winning the publics favor with their Robin Hood style deeds …
  • 第二季:蒙古戈壁、瓜地马拉、纳米比亚。探险家兼求生专家埃德·斯塔福德(EdStafford)会在《单挑荒野》节目中把求…
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