
  • 一位名为Mister Sleep的杀手对一群失眠患者展开了可怕的追杀,他认为这些人偷走了属于他的记忆。
  • A struggling writer finds herself at the center of the story she is covering when brutally attacked by a n…
  • For Joseph, a young lawyer from Manhattan, his first excursion to Fire Island is far from what he had in m…
  •   A rookie drag queen, reeling from a break-up, escapes to the country, where …
  • 细小的乌鸦,竟然成为了血腥的连环杀手!漫天的乌鸦群从不同角度以人类无法想象的方式噬咬人类,村内无一安全之处…
  • 影片《德克鲁传奇》讲述了一个原本默默无闻的少年为了拯救地球而成长改变的故事,当一股邪恶力量开始肆虐,世界和…
  • There's a woman for every taste.
  • 美国陆军战斗医疗人员詹娜·康纳利因心脏病发作被召回家中,帮助疏远的父亲。她发现这个曾经原始的牧场已经年久失…
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