
  • The world's water supply has dried up due to some sort of apocalypse. A beautiful woman holds the secret t…
  • The scene where Clay flicks his hand with the rubber band was ad-libbed by Gregory in an attempt to show t…
  • 恩里科是一名电台DJ,他的工作是接听夜间节目热线电话,倾听陌生人的故事。他和女儿分别居住在巴里和米兰,在一辆…
  • Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only…
  • 当才华横溢、以自我为中心的舞蹈演员艾珀耳(索菲亚·卡尔森)被驱逐出百老汇后,她不情愿地搬回了威斯康辛州的家…
  • 莎拉(SamantaCaicedo饰)是一个非常孤独的女孩,个性内向不擅交际的她并没有太多的朋友,很多时候,她只能选择独…
  • 内详
  • 又一部聚焦曼森杀人案的电影来了,希拉里·达芙将主演《难以忘怀的莎朗·塔特》(The Haunting of Sharon …
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