
  • The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since sh…
  • 杜瓦尔(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 饰)是一个普通的办公室文员,枯燥的工作,无聊的同事,没有一件事是让他顺心的。这天…
  • 来自美国的黑帮头目埃里克瓦斯奎兹(Philippe Haddad饰)想要坐上墨西哥黑社会老大的位置。但强大的本地贩毒集团和…
  •   1944年至1945二战期间,一群阿尔及利亚的伊斯兰教小伙子应召入伍,被编入法国军队,参加对德国的反击战。阿布…
  • yle=color: rgb(51, 51, 51); f>An installation presented on 11 screens featuring nude human figures engaged…
  • Claire Lescot is a famous prima donna. All men want to be loved by her. Among them is the young scientist …
  • Kapana is titled after grilled meat sold on the streets of Namibia. This charming romance is the first gay…
  • 在南非,Moffie是对同性恋者的贬义词,片中,男主尼克16岁时去南非服兵役。从小就与众不同的他,在军营中发现了自…
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