
  • The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fift…
  • 影片情节设置在一个叫作天堂谷的虚构国度,一个男人叫做亚当卓别林的故事。亚当在他的妻子死后发现她的死因非常可…
  • 一位穷书生Stefano从未婚妻那得到了一台二手打字机,他发现打字机里缠绕着一盘特殊的碳带,上面写着一些古怪的文…
  • The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind hi…
  •   Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the…
  • 这部影片由意大利导演Ermanno Olmi执导,是一出“经验 Vs. 天真”的故事。老夫人是人们对一位居住在一座摇摇欲坠…
  • Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her grandmother's home in the countrysi…
  • 佩德罗-德-托罗和他的家人住在一个隐蔽的地方,一个拥有尖端技术的房子/掩体里。佩德罗想离开他用自己的财务知识…
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