
  • The beginning of the AIDS crisis in the early 1980s when the first wave of the epidemic hit Brazil.
  • 普罗克特中尉通过了刑事调查部负责人的测验,之后他与侦查小组靠着不凡的调查手法破了许多重要案件,但长官仍在侦…
  • A group of heroes assembled by the eccentric billionaire goes into closed Perimeter full of abnormal activ…
  • TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each othe…
  •   这部成长题材的圣经史诗通过玛利亚的视角,讲述了历史上最具影响力的人物之一,以及她在耶稣诞生前的非凡经历…
  • 为了挽救儿子的期末露营之旅,这位单身母亲充当起了校车司机,并试图向儿子证明自己真的可以成为一位酷妈。
  • In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business a…
  • Twotwistedhousemateslureanunbalancedwomanintoasexualtrap,withmurderousresults.
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