
  • It tells the story of a woman who must save her unborn child and herself when she is possessed by a powerf…
  • 影片描述一位老年作曲家汤姆,患有严重的老年痴呆症,已经记不起任何成年时代的生活,脑海里只剩下他10岁时的男孩生…
  • 影片根据戴维·奥本曾获普利策奖的百老汇剧目改编,故事讲述了一位女人在失去父亲后的生活。霍普金斯饰演的父亲是…
  • 全球突然出现了很多来自宇宙巨大的“入口”,世界一片混乱、陷入危机。这些扭曲现实的入口为何出现,它们的另一端…
  • 《北极星旅舍》(The Lodge) 是英国迪士尼频道2016年推出的电视连续剧。住惯大城市的少女斯凯来到母亲曾度过年少时…
  • As Josh prepares to start a new reality show at the lodge, Skye must deal with the repercussions of her ch…
  • Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where t…
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about …
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