
  • Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell of…
  • A devastated father receives recordings from a mysterious stranger that allow him to communicate with his …
  • Suzannewasntalwaysthisconfused.Shewasntalwaysdeadeither-Whenanex-contakesajobasahandymanforanunstableelder…
  • 讲述一个画家江郎才尽,此时她被人介绍了一种药物,服用后她不由自主开始疯狂创作,但人也变成了嗜血的吸血鬼。
  • After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds hims…
  • 杀人魔王杰森(凯恩·霍德尔KaneHodder饰)在犯下了数不清的命案后终于迎来了属于他的大结局,在警方强大的火力攻…
  • 1)名叫蒂米的男童怨灵会在万圣节当晚四处寻找糖果,甚至会为此挖开他人的肚子;2)小男孩被逼迫去一户人家恶作剧…
  • Justdaysago,ElizabethDerby(HeatherGraham)wasasuccessfulpsychiatristwithalovinghusbandandtheworldatherfinge…
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