
  • 故事发生在1930 年,Russel Marsh93 年来都无法真正拥有自己的身体。他寄居旧日支配者之中,以达贡的名义犯下了不…
  • When summer ends, the classroom fun begins. Start the school year with the Peanuts gang when Lucy' sSchool…
  • 孤胆英雄抵抗腐败和谋杀的动作电影。大反派人数众多,火力猛,似乎胜券在握。突击队员杰克,必须突破重围,而通拯…
  • A woman who is kidnapped and forced to compete in elite underground fights and has to battle her way out t…
  • Three estranged foster brothers rediscover the ruins of their childhood kingdom 'Oxenfree'...and face down…
  • Twotwistedhousemateslureanunbalancedwomanintoasexualtrap,withmurderousresults.
  • 商场出于安全考虑,引进了三架非常先进的机械人保护者,让他们晚上来巡逻商场,他们非常能干,且刀枪不入。 可是…
  • 1956年奈及利亞的奧洛伊比里村莊被發現有石油,為村民帶來生活的繁榮與就業機會。在結束最後一次鑽探後的二十年裡…
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