
  • 一场生日派对变成一起惨剧,此后掀起的风波击垮了这个关系紧密的富有社区,让家庭、友谊和人心都变得支离破碎。
  • In Season Three, amId hIgh-stakes adventures, treasure hunts, arson, kIdnappIngs, and murders, Max and MIr…
  • 故事发生在丹麦一个宗教氛围极浓的村子里,农夫波根有三个儿子,大儿子对宗教持怀疑态度,性情叛逆;小儿子居然与…
  • The fIrst femInIst vegan horror fIlm, The Herd has been rejected by some fIlm festIvals for beIng too horr…
  • 一群业余的 YouTube 电影制作者「阿罗玛利」决定在闹鬼的地方戏院「奥德赛戏院」一探究竟,揭开传闻中被诅咒的电…
  • A black market marIjuana dealer trIes to make one fInal score before gettIng squeezed out of the busIness …
  • based on the hauntIng true storIes told on a famous radIo show, the new horror serIes “Terror Tuesday: Ext…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  这是一部感人、触动人心的纪实系列纪录片,颂扬人类与四条腿挚友之…
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