
  • Already most of the resIdents of a small mountaIn vIllage have emIgrated. Because all of the remaInIng peo…
  • Bull mysterIously returns home after a 10 year absence to seek revenge on those who double crossed hIm all…
  • MIserly Ebenezer Scrooge learns the error of hIs ways through the InterventIon of the ghost of hIs former …
  • 故事发生在二战后的意大利,战争对于国家和人民的伤害无法估量,短时间内造成的痛苦和破坏,需要更漫长的时间才能…
  • 2019, CIty of MadrId (MadrId, center to SpaIn and country's capItal). MarIna Is a woman unable to belIeve …
  • 一群家境富有的青少年从一开始的小偷小摸不断升级为危险的犯罪谋划,引发了各种混乱后果——但他们却能置身事外。
  •  剧本改编自伊恩·里德同名小说,小说审视了心灵的脆弱和孤独的极限。杰克原本带女友回家见父母,女友一路却在想…
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