
  • 当男英雄沙赞被邀请加入正义联盟时,他并不情愿,但当他的对手怪物协会将联盟置于危险境地时,他是唯一能拯救他们…
  •   Giorgio is a greedy adulterer who makes a deal with a serial killer (Michel …
  • 政府采用了一种辐射灭虫器用来消灭农田里的害虫,但却引起了可怕的后果。杀虫器所放射出的有害物质使附近的死人复…
  • 正值青春期的少女艾玛(苏菲·瓦瓦希尔SophieVavasseur饰)因小事与父母发生争吵,继而用玻璃碎片割破自己的手掌…
  • <p>  一位名叫奧義夫的聾啞畫家陷入戒酒及亡妻之痛,當他偷偷溜到一個私人招待會上為他的經紀人扮演間諜…
  •   Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting …
  •   When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next mo…
  •   The story revolves around Luisa Palmeira, born in France from Portuguese imm…
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