
  • Douglas, a broken, solitary, Spitfire Ace, must overcome his past to lead a Lancaster bomber crew in the p…
  •   Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, &q…
  • 隐藏在金三角毒贩子唐恩少校单方面要给毒品涨价,用武器换毒品的马兹里尼上校决定派去一支队伍,借着送武器的名义…
  • Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actua…
  • 午夜凌晨,警长詹姆斯?海斯被呼叫至当地的墓园,突然眼前发生的一切彻底颠覆了他的世界观,六个死去的人赤裸着身…
  • 《寂静岭2》改编自热爆电子游戏《Silent Hill 3》。Heather Mason(阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 Adelaide Cl…
  • 《'Allo 'Allo》是BBC在1980年代到90年代期间拍摄的一套著名电视喜剧系列片,从1982年到1992年在BBC电视台…
  • A global steelworks company partners with an aerospace firm to mine the Moon.  However, when a drilling ac…
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