
  • Classics are classics for a reason! Take the good old story of the cable guy fixing something in your hous…
  • A police unit from Mosul fight to liberate the Iraqi city from thousands of ISIS militants.
  • 杰西卡和她曾经最好的朋友劳拉,辛西娅还有凯伦在奥斯丁德克萨斯州高中十周年聚会上重逢。朋友们说好要在脸书上保…
  • 珍妮卡·施瓦兹曼主演。海莉失踪了,而她的失踪也牵扯出埋藏在社会阴暗面的人口贩卖生态。当传出一位12岁女孩失踪…
  • <p>影片分为三段故事,约翰.卡彭特拍前两则,托比.胡柏拍最后一则故事。卡彭特本人惟妙惟肖的扮演贯穿全片…
  • 当你能拥有魔法的时候,你能抗拒吗?如果给你本魔法书,能实现你的一切愿望,但是随之而来的是不可预知的代价,你…
  • An outlaw with a mysterious past must race against a shady treasure hunter to unearth a long lost Spanish …
  • Dizisarecklessteenagedrifterlivinglifeontherun.Abandonedbyhisparentsasachild,helooksoutforhimselfanddoesn'…
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