
  • Beshay是一位已被治愈的麻风病人,但他自童年起就从未离开过位于沙漠之中的麻风病院。在他的妻子失踪后,他第一次…
  • 故事发生在中古世纪,阿祖尔是个金发碧眼的欧洲贵族,与父亲生活在豪华的宫殿中。与他共同生活的,还有奶妈和她的…
  • After the death of his youngest brother following an alleged police altercation, Abdel (Dali Benssalah) is…
  • 年逾古稀的柏香茗终于无法承受病痛的折磨,撒手人寰,老伴苑志豪悲痛难耐,而发妻留下的日记则勾起了他对往事的回…
  • 该片改编自真实事件,讲述一名年轻的伊拉克警察被尼尼微的特种部队从交火中救出,此后加入了一支10人小队,他们筹…
  • Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age. Things change when his…
  • This mystical short film has a narrator telling us about a "strange philanthropical secret society&qu…
  • The film concerns to men in their early twenties, Hachemi and Farfat, who live in the Tunisian city of Sfa…
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