
  • A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording…
  • 莱斯特是一个笨拙的人,但是对于修电视还是有一点技术天赋在帮助了一个朋友,他被卷入涉及在富裕的家庭缺少继承人…
  • When Snafu gets his wish to have his personal mail uncensored by the military, he inadvertently reveals mi…
  • 导演弗兰克泰许林拍得生气勃勃,演员也表现得相当有趣,所以故事虽然安排得有点一厢情愿,依旧可以让有看得开心。…
  • 幽默夸张的表演风格,楼上楼下的艺术追求,讲述纽约50年代波希米亚穷逼艺术家的爱情故事。
  • 这个煤炭工的故事由闹剧和一伙人组成的故事:福勒是一个笨拙家伙的,同时要照顾他的继母和马克西米利安和鲁珀特的…
  • Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him…
  • Gilbert Wooley is a second-rate magician who is sent to entertain the troops in the pacific. During his ti…
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